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Cosmetic Dentistry – Westborough, MA

Own a Smile that Reflects Your Inner Beauty

Woman showing off smile after cosmetic dentistry

Your teeth may be perfectly functional and healthy, but perhaps they do not look the way you wish they did. Staining, minor misalignment, and other aesthetic issues can put a damper on your confidence and make you appear older than you really are. At All Dental, we offer a number of treatments that have the power to address such issues and totally transform your smile. To learn how we may be able to help you achieve your dream look, check out our options for cosmetic dentistry in Westborough, MA listed below.

Why Choose All Dental for Cosmetic Dentistry?


Dentist and patient looking at porcelain veneer color options

Veneers are thin pieces of porcelain that we attach to the fronts of teeth in order to disguise their aesthetic flaws. We always design veneers with the goal of complementing a patient’s natural facial features. The porcelain is extremely stain-resistant, and it is durable enough to last for a decade or longer. We can use veneers to transform just one or two teeth, or we can place an entire set of veneers to create a completely new look for your smile.

Learn More About Veneers

Metal-Free Dental Restorations

Animated smile with metal free dental restoration

Metal crowns, bridges, and fillings are effective at protecting teeth — but they have some serious disadvantages, one of which is that they can affect your smile’s natural beauty. That is why we are proud to offer metal-free restorations. Crowns and bridges made of porcelain, as well as composite resin fillings, can be shade-matched to blend in with your existing dentition. As a result, you can enjoy the benefits of restorative dentistry without having any metal to mar your smile.

Dental Bonding

Animated smile during dental bonding treatment

During the direct bonding process, we apply a tooth-colored resin to the front of a tooth. We mold the resin in a way that allows it to disguise the tooth’s flaws (such as chips, cracks, or discoloration). A special light hardens the resin. We usually recommend bonding for patients who have just one or two teeth that they would like to improve the appearance of. The process is quick and painless, and the results can last for 5 years or longer.

Learn More About Direct Bonding

Teeth Whitening

Closeup of bright smile after teeth whitening

The consumption of dark foods and beverages, genetics, and simply the passage of time can cause your teeth to become discolored. We can help you vanquish those stains with our professional whitening services. In a single appointment in our dental office, we may be able to make you teeth several shades brighter. Or, if you prefer, we can provide you with a kit that will allow you to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home over the course of several days.

Learn More About Teeth Whitening

Gum Recontouring/Crown Lengthening

Closeup of gorgeous smile after gum recontouring

Your gums should be a subtle frame for your teeth. However, if you have uneven or excess gum tissue, your gums may get more attention than they deserve; you have what is commonly referred to as a “gummy smile.” We can gently trim your gums in a way that reveals more of your natural tooth structure and produces a more proportionate appearance (gum recontouring). We may also reshape your gums and the underlying bone in order to make space on your teeth for veneers or crowns (crown lengthening).

Digital Imaging/Virtual Smile Design

Dentist and patient looking at virtual smile design

Would you like to see the outcome of your cosmetic treatment before you commit to it? That is possible thanks to our digital imaging/virtual smile design technology. We begin by capturing photos of your smile. Then, we used the advanced software to give you a realistic idea of what you can expect to look like after a particular procedure. You can thus collaborate with us to plan your treatment in a way that produces your desired results.

Botox® Cosmetic

Woman looking youthful after Botox Cosmetic treatment

Dentists have an in-depth knowledge of facial anatomy, including the facial muscles. Thus, they are uniquely qualified to provide Botox Cosmetic injections. In just a few minutes, we may be able to help you reduce or even eliminate crow’s feet, frown lines, forehead lines, and other signs of aging. With repeated, regular injections, you can fight the tide of time and maintain a more youthful appearance for years to come.

Smile Makeovers

Woman with flawless smile after makeover

A smile makeover is a custom-designed treatment plan that aims to correct everything you do not like about the way your smile looks. After your in-depth consultation, we will let you know which procedures will best be able to help you reach your goals. If you have multiple treatment options, we will thoroughly explain the pros and cons of each. Some of the services you might undergo as part of your smile makeover journey include dental implants, gum recontouring, porcelain veneers, teeth whitening, and more.

Learn More About Smile Makeovers

Understanding the Cost of Cosmetic Dentistry

Portrait of smiling woman with beautiful teeth

We understand that many patients are reluctant to commit to cosmetic dentistry due to concerns about cost, especially since aesthetic services are rarely covered by insurance. You can rest assured that we always strive to respect our patients’ budgets. Plus, we offer treatments at a range of price points. We can help you decide on one that works with your goals and financial considerations.

Which Cosmetic Dental Service Is Right for Me:

Smiling young woman in dental treatment chair

Most people want to accomplish at least one of the following when they invest in cosmetic dentistry: whiter teeth, straighter teeth, and/or differently sized/shaped teeth. We offer treatments that can help with all of those goals. Here is an overview of some popular options, along with generalized pricing information:

  • Direct bonding. Also known as dental bonding or cosmetic bonding, this service can disguise multiple flaws in teeth. It also takes only one appointment and can cost just a few hundred dollars. However, it may only last for 3 – 5 years.
  • Teeth whitening. Teeth whitening is excellent for fighting stubborn dental discoloration. It is also relatively affordable, often costing just a few hundred dollars (in some cases, it can be a thousand dollars or more).
  • Veneers tend to cost thousands of dollars. However, they are a good value because they can address multiple aesthetic imperfections, the treatment is fast, and the results can last for 10 – 15 years or longer.
  • Braces and clear aligners usually cost at least a few thousand dollars. They are a great choice for individuals whose dental misalignment is threatening their oral health.
  • Smile makeover. This service combines multiple treatments. As such, it is the highest-priced cosmetic option. However, it is a great value because it is efficient and offers comprehensive results.

Cosmetic Dentistry Can Be an Investment Worth Making

Confident, smiling man in business setting

Admittedly, cosmetic dentistry can seem expensive. However, you should take a moment to consider what you are getting in return for your money. You might enjoy the following benefits:

  • Heightened confidence in social situations and more meaningful interactions with others.
  • Increased motivation to take excellent care of your smile.
  • The ability to make a good impression in professional settings.
  • An improved overall quality of life.

How to Make Cosmetic Dentistry Affordable 

Smiling woman holding payment card

In most cases, dental insurance does not cover treatments that are purely elective. Therefore, you should not expect your policy to help pay for things like teeth whitening and veneers. However, if a service will enhance your appearance and provide significant oral health benefits, your insurance might cover it. Our team welcomes insurance, and we can help you figure out how your benefits may apply.

Beyond insurance, there are a couple provisions that might make it easier to afford your desired treatment:

  • We accept financing through both CareCredit and Sunbit. Applying for credit is easy, and most people are eligible for a low-interest payment plan.
  • Essential Dental Plan. This discount plan provides reduced fees on virtually all of the services available in our office.

Are you interested in learning more about cosmetic dentistry and its cost? Get in touch with the All Dental’ team in Westborough today!

Cosmetic Dentistry FAQs

Woman’s beautiful teeth after visit to cosmetic dentist in Westborough

Cosmetic dentistry has the potential to powerfully transform your smile! Of course, it is understandable if you are not ready to launch into a treatment right away; you may want more information before you commit to anything. To assist you, we have put together a list of some frequently asked questions about cosmetic dentistry. If you do not see the information that you are most curious about, feel free to give us a call. We will be pleased to speak with you!

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Expensive?

Services performed by a cosmetic dentist in Westborough can come at a variety of price points, ranging from a few hundred dollars to tens of thousands of dollars. We do our best to respect our patients’ budgets and adjust their treatment plans to fit in with what they are willing to pay. Plus, many patients qualify for low-interest financing.

You can rightly consider cosmetic dentistry to be an investment. In return for the money that you spend, you can enjoy a more attractive smile and all the benefits that come with it. For example, many people believe that individuals with straight, white teeth are younger and more successful than those with obvious aesthetic flaws in their smile.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Covered by Insurance?

Dental insurance focuses primarily on supporting patients’ oral health, which means that it almost never covers purely elective treatments. Most cosmetic services fall into this category. However, in some cases, there is overlap between cosmetic dentistry and restorative dentistry. For example, a metal-free crown can both enhance your smile and protect a vulnerable tooth, with the latter fact possibly making it eligible for coverage. Similarly, insurance policies may cover gum recontouring if it is both to improve appearances and manage an infection. If there is any question about whether your policy will cover a particular service, our team can communicate with your insurer and get pre-authorization if possible.

Is Cosmetic Dentistry Safe?

Generally speaking, yes, cosmetic dentistry is safe as long as it is performed by a properly trained professional. Of course, no procedure is 100% without risk. However, our team takes great care to minimize such risks so our patients are unlikely to experience adverse effects from their treatment. For example, we thoroughly screen patients before a procedure to make sure it is a fit for them. While performing work on your smile, you can expect us to pay attention to all the minute details with the goal of making your treatment mishap-free.

How Long Does Cosmetic Dentistry Last?

The results of cosmetic treatments have varying lifespans. For example, teeth whitening may last just a few months without proper maintenance, while dental bonding tends to last for 3 – 5 years. Other treatments endure for much longer; in some cases, veneers have been known to function for 20 years or longer. Our team will coach you on things you can do to help the results of your procedure stand the test of time. 

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