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Broken Braces? Learn What You Should Do

August 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — alldentals @ 9:02 pm
Concerned man covering his mouth with his hands

Braces tend to be very durable. After all, they are designed to remain secure on your teeth for several months or longer! However, they are far from invincible. If you bite down on the wrong food or are involved in an accident, you could easily end up with a damaged wire or bracket. What steps should you take to deal with broken braces? This blog post provides helpful information.


I Have a Dental Implant — Can I Still Get Braces?

July 11, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — alldentals @ 5:17 pm
Handsome, smiling adult man with braces

Dental implants are the gold standard of tooth replacement. If you lost a tooth in the past and now have a dental implant, you can be confident that you made a wise decision! However, you might wonder how your prosthetic tooth will affect your candidacy for other treatments, such as orthodontia. Can you still get braces if you have a dental implant? This blog post explains how these two treatments may affect each other.


Can You Wear Braces Twice?

June 24, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — alldentals @ 3:35 pm
Smiling middle-aged woman with braces on her teeth

If you had braces earlier in your life, perhaps as a teenager, you probably hoped it was a one-and-done treatment. Indeed, under ideal circumstances, the results of orthodontic treatment should last a lifetime! But what if you have noticed lately that your teeth seem to be shifting out of place? Can you get braces a second time? Yes, you probably can. This blog post explains what you should know about undergoing another round of orthodontic care.


I Am Using Invisalign — Can I Still Get Cavities?

May 13, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — alldentals @ 5:51 pm
Woman in white robe, looking at her teeth in mirror

Invisalign clear aligners place a barrier over all the exposed surfaces of your teeth. Some people reason that because of that, Invisalign will prevent the development of tooth decay. But is that true? Can you still get cavities during Invisalign treatment? The answer is yes, you can. This blog post explains how spots of decay can develop and how you can protect your precious smile.


How to Use Invisalign Cleaning Crystals for a Bright and Fresh Smile

April 18, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — alldentals @ 6:51 pm
Invisalign aligner and packet of cleaning crystals

Invisalign clear aligners are made of a clear plastic material that is designed to be both discreet and comfortable. However, if you do not care well for your aligners, they could collect bacteria and stains. To maintain a fresh and bright smile, you should clean your aligner trays frequently! One product you can use to do is Invisalign cleaning crystals. Here is a quick guide on why and how to use this product:


Am I Too Old for Cosmetic Dentistry?

March 21, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — alldentals @ 6:32 pm
Smiling older woman with beautiful teeth

Thanks to advancements in modern medicine, many people live to be 80, 90, or even 100 years old. Even if you are technically considered a senior citizen, you may still have decades of life in front of you! One thing you can do to make the most out of your golden years is take care of your smile. In many cases, that might involve both restorative and cosmetic dental procedures. But you might wonder if you are too old for cosmetic dentistry.

The answer is no! There is no upper age limit for cosmetic services. This blog post touches on some treatments that may help you to enjoy a more confident smile.


3 Reasons to Have a Healthy Mouth Before Cosmetic Dentistry

February 20, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — alldentals @ 6:42 pm
Close-up of man’s smile with healthy, attractive teeth

Every year, millions of people undergo cosmetic dentistry treatments. They are eager to enjoy a bright, confident, beautiful smile! Yes, cosmetic dentistry is wonderful, and it may be able to help you achieve your aesthetic goals. However, you should only undergo it if you have a healthy mouth. Why is that the case? This blog post explains three important reasons.


How Can Cosmetic Dentistry Improve Your Career?

January 22, 2024

Filed under: Uncategorized — alldentals @ 9:28 pm
Smiling woman in business attire with beautiful teeth

Are you on the hunt for a new job, or are you looking for ways to leap forward in your current position? Learning new skills, working on your resume, and other practical steps could certainly help you reach your goals. But did you know that your teeth might even be able to give you an advantage? Indeed, cosmetic dentistry treatments could enhance your smile and might even improve your career! How is that the case? This blog post explains.


Is Dental Insurance Worth the Money?

October 8, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — alldentals @ 4:13 pm
Young female dental patient looking over her shoulder

Are you looking for ways to cut back on spending? Perhaps you have already canceled some unnecessary subscriptions and services. Should your dental insurance policy be the next thing to go? No! In fact, your policy is a valuable provision that can help you save a significant amount of money. How can you use it in a way that is good for your smile and your budget? This blog post explains.


Should You Buy Dental Insurance or a Dental Discount Plan?

Filed under: Uncategorized — alldentals @ 3:37 pm
Smiling dental patient looking to her left

You understand that your oral health is important, and you want to keep a close eye on your budget. To both save money and make sure your smile gets the treatment it needs, you may be thinking about buying a dental insurance policy or a dental discount plan. Which one is better? This blog post explains some of the pros and cons of each option.

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