If you had braces earlier in your life, perhaps as a teenager, you probably hoped it was a one-and-done treatment. Indeed, under ideal circumstances, the results of orthodontic treatment should last a lifetime! But what if you have noticed lately that your teeth seem to be shifting out of place? Can you get braces a second time? Yes, you probably can. This blog post explains what you should know about undergoing another round of orthodontic care.
Why Do Teeth Shift?
The need for a second course of orthodontic treatment can arise for a few reasons:
- Age. Just like your vision, hearing, and other aspects of your health can change as you grow older, so can the positioning of your teeth.
- Tooth loss. A missing tooth can allow the other teeth to drift out of place.
- Wisdom teeth. If you did not get your wisdom teeth removed in a timely manner, they might be pushing against other teeth and causing them to shift.
- Failure to wear your retainer. If you have not been wearing your retainer as instructed, your teeth could very easily start to shift into their former positions.
Getting Started with Orthodontic Retreatment
If you would like to get your teeth back to where they belong, visit a qualified dental team. They will examine your mouth and take some X-rays to make sure that your oral health is sound enough to withstand orthodontic treatment. If everything looks good, they will talk to you about your treatment options.
You might choose to get braces again. Modern braces are more comfortable and efficient than ever, so you might have a different experience than when you were younger! Alternatively, you might be a candidate for clear aligners, which tend to be very discreet. They are also removable, so they do not come with the same dietary restrictions as metal braces.
The Orthodontic Retreatment Experience
Hopefully, your teeth have not shifted too far out of place since the last time you had braces. If your new misalignment is fairly mild, you may have a shorter treatment than you did previously. You may also need fewer accessories.
Of course, it will still be important for you to follow your dental team’s instructions and attend periodic checkups.
Are you thinking about getting braces a second time! Your local dental/orthodontic team can help you get started with treatment.
Meet the Practice
The talented team at All Dental is proud to provide comprehensive oral health services for our community, including traditional braces and Invisalign clear aligners. We welcome orthodontic patients of all ages! If you have noticed your teeth drifting out of place, we are ready to talk to you about your treatment options. To learn more about how we may be able to serve you, contact our Westborough office at 508-217-7265.